Man on the moon pictures original pictures
Man on the moon pictures original pictures

THAT is history, Benjamin, as it happened, not as it was intended. Read more: –The-proof-Neil-Armstrong-got-famous-One-small-step-man-Moon-landing-line-WRONG.html#ixzz21Q3QXv6rĪgain: definitely no “a” between “for” and “man”.

man on the moon pictures original pictures

Of ‘for’ and the ‘m’ of ‘man’ running together – proving, they told theīBC, that there was simply no room for an ‘a’.” Instead, their analysis of a voice print spectograph showed the ‘r’ Pronounce his ‘a’s in a unique way – but that he definitely did not Manual, and forensic linguist John Olsson concluded that Armstrong does The long-running debate has finally been settled, however: and it has proved Armstrong wrong.ĭr Chris Riley, author of the new Haynes book Apollo 11, An Owner’s Researchers claimed perhaps the ‘a’ was lost in transmission, or that it simply could not be heard because of his Ohio accent. On returning home after the Moon landing, Armstrong claimed he thought he had uttered the ‘a’ in the sentence. One giant leap forīut linguistic analysis has proven that Armstrongĭropped the ‘a’, instead uttering the immortal: ‘One small step for man. He became the first man to set foot on the Moon in 1969, the astronautīelieved he had said: ‘One small step for a man. “It is one of the most famous phrases in history – and now experts have proven that Neil Armstrong got it wrong. (More humble than thou art, might be far more strategically wise! )ĭespite what historians and the man himself claim was was intended, surely we are obliged to go with the original unadulterated evidence. Champions of democracy, Ha! Well the real point is clear, if it were put to a vote, you Americans wouldn’t last ten minutes!

man on the moon pictures original pictures

Being just 5.7% of the world’s population clearly means a smallish minority. Some 380-odd million Americans verses the rest of the 6,620-odd million that occupy the planet kinda puts it in perspective. Such people as these are not ‘Amerocentric’ they are more like feeble-minded jingoistic xenophobes. What I am really against is stupid narrow-minded Americans that think the rest of the world (or the universe) is second to them or that they believe they are the only people on the planet. You have to have pride and serve the best interests in the country where you are born - a cohesion that holds the population together. (Americans ought to go back to the Moon just to clean-up their own stinking mess!)Īctually I’m not against Amerocentrism. Almost 50 years after man walked on the moon, the 'giant leap for mankind' is under the microscope once againwith conspiracy theorists convinced. Stuffed our planet, now stuffing the moon. The picture has left a lot of people excited. I see it as the first picture on the moon, with the white bag, just as environmental vandalism. Actually, I would comment that it shows the ‘couldn’t care less’ attitude with the environment.

Man on the moon pictures original pictures